How To Check Backlinks Of Any Website For Free Including Competitors - SEO Spyglass - SEO Powersuite

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In this tutorial I'm showing you SEO Spyglass, which is currently free on AppSumo for a year.

I normally don't publish videos about AppSumo products, but I've been using the Enterprise version of SEO Powersuite, which includes SEO Spyglass, for a number of years.

The whole suite is fantastic and if you can get one of them for free, jump at the chance!

With SEO Spyglass I'll show you how to check backlinks of any website including your competitors so you can gain their most powerful backlinks.

How does the website rank check online work?
in this tutorial we're checking on SEO spyglass on appSumo it got there today or last night I'm not sure when but it's free the professional version free for an entire year so check this out I usually don't do appSumo product videos but that's when I had to do because I've been using SEO spyglass and the whole suite of their tools for years and are great and freeze a price you can't beat what we're gonna do is I'm going to show you how it works I'm going to run through all the options you have in the app using my own domain as an example you're gonna learn how to view your link profile you're gonna learn how to find links that could be causing penalties on your site or hurting your rankings gonna show you how to find potential places that your being a link bombed from or spammed where they want to delink you for certain keywords I'm gonna show you how to create disavow files of links that could be spammy that you can then go to google and have disavowed I'm going to show you all kinds of stuff so make sure you check out this video when it is Beorn all passed in WP Learning Lab where we help you get better at WordPress so you can earn more for yourself for your customers and for your business if you haven't done so yet make sure to click Subscribe the bell so you
don't miss any future videos and now let's get back to SEO spyglass on up soo this was released today or yesterday a freebie SEO spyglass right here this is something you should definitely check out I'm an absolute mo junkie I buy every deal that's wordpress related and pretty much every other deal as well just because they're usually pretty awesome and yeah I missed it absent junkie so SEO spyglass this is for people who are not Epsom or junkie this is for people who want to build websites and rank and understand their backlink profile so they can rank better and more easily and this freebie gives it to you for free for one whole year I've been using the Enterprise version of SEO spyglass and all of the and all the linkassistant tools called SEO PowerSuite I've been using them for two or three years now at the enterprise level whereas this is the professional version which is great that so you don't need any more than that unless you want to do work for clients and this will allow you to check out your backlink profile quickly and easily and for free so definitely check this thing out and when you do have this let's go to view plan first save to $0 get it for a whole year now when you do have it you enter your URL let's just do a new project you'd enter your domain name right here for me it would be the appearing lab check on enable expert options click on next and then make sure SEO PowerSuite link Explorer is check this will get backlinks from the SEO PowerSuite link explorer which is their internal database of over a trillion backlinks that they refresh constantly then you want to check on google analytics and sign in this will let you pull data from your Google Analytics account it regards to backlinks same for search console click on that sign in and you can pull backlinks from there as well they click on next then you can choose to limp that of our backlinks make it go faster I did not choose that you can also choose to limit the number of backlinks from one domain to ten or whatever number you want just up or down or just type it in I do not choose that either if you have
Check page and domain ranks, also pay attention to domains linking from the homepage.
both of these unchecked like I didn't take quite a long time to create your report so if you have lots of backlinks you might want to keep at least this one checked if you have huge numbers of backlinks like hundreds of thousands you might want to limit this depending what time you have you might have to run all night to collect them all it's not gonna crash it's not gonna break anything if it runs that long it's just it'll take a long time that's all so click on finish when you're ready and you'll get a report that looks something like this so for WP Learning Lab we currently have three thousand backlinks forty six percent of them are due follows and I've never built a single back link to the site aside from in my youtube profile when I publish a video in the description there's a youtube link and there's some Pinterest links I shared a Pinterest again like there and Facebook and that's it so we've got quite a few backlinks and you'll see later on there aren't too many that are counted from YouTube and Facebook in those places so other sites are backlinking which is what you want right so anyway you go through here and it shows you your backlink profile and
Replacement for Google Page Rank.
it's quite interesting the in link rank is a complex calculation done by PowerSuite that is a replacement for Google page rank since Google has hidden that but it's very valuable information anyway and just shows the power of the page and the domain so we have our highest or most powerful domain that's linking to us is our sorry page is 61 to 70 in like point 1 percent that is exactly is more than one backlink at that level but that's a pretty powerful backlink I don't know where it came from but I can find out in this app and maybe get more of those and here we have domain in link ranks then we have the TL DS or what comes after the dot breakdown of those domains linking from the homepage only 0.9% from homepage if this number is too high it looks spammy it looks like you bought that link from a homepage because not many people link to websites from their homepage have to be a really important homepage or it's either one that you created yourself to link to your homepage or some kind of PB in a private
blog network or you paid somebody for it so that's a footprint if you have too many links from a home page to your site so this is a good only point nine percent only four domains show the breakdown over the country's breakdown of the anchor text you would want to have very diverse anchor text very few of them being your money word actually don't know what this one is I know what it is I can read it but I don't know who's linking to me for that with this many backlinks this would be something that I would create personally to try to rank higher for that suit for that search phrase but I'm not doing that so maybe this is somebody who's trying to spam me to make me not rank for this keyword half look into that because you see all the other ones are very generic the website the homepage home this one yeah this is from an opt-in page that link and this is the website name homepage very generic and then this one just sticks out like a sore thumb right there so it's very handy in finding things that maybe aren't as they seem or
Look at the tag cloud and explore pages that are backlinking to your website.
as they should be which are harming your rankings but the very bottom is a tag cloud the biggest most colorful most bolded words are ones that link to you the most with the actual numbers in brackets after the terms so it's funny because you look at these pretty much all of them are just generic random nothing I'd ever want to rank for except for yeah where was it aside a moment ago we repress tutorials that's pretty good one but psych grounds in here too there's a site ground page anyway those are all fine those links because it looks like I'm not spamming it looks like it's all-natural which it is because I haven't built any backlinks that's the summary we're just getting started if we go into backlink profile over here we click on backlinks we can see our backlinks over time we see which page is back linking to us this page this page is base you can see all them in here and what their domain in link rank is what the inlet rank is for the page whether the link actually is there because links are changed and broken and refreshed this link right here is a nofollow and snitch meat is there but soon they'll follow this link is missing while there'd be a link from the YouTube home page I guess at some point one of my videos showed up there which is pretty awesome but it's not there anymore so the link is missing and you can go through here and sort by missing links and you can actually remove all these links from your workspace because they're not relevant they're not needed right now because the link isn't there so why even worried about it why analyze those links so you can sort by links back and delete all of those and just focus on the ones that are nofollow and do follow and take it from there and you can also add columns click on these little there's a little grid here and there are a lot of columns to add with a bunch of data and sometimes you might pull one in it doesn't have the actual data in there let's see page Authority page authority not checked so what you can do is click on this little symbol here and it checks all the backlinks for page Authority or you can just select a couple and you go
update backlinks and you can choose what you want to update in regard to those backlinks and then if we go to linking domains we could see all the domains that link out to us if you're trying to get rid of spammy links you want to look at domain so you can look at individual backlinks where we're in this tab here but that can take a lot of time frankly linking domains will allow you to pick out spammy stuff more quickly and have that disavowed or contact webmaster and have them remove the link so this is just this is pretty much the same as the backlinks it's just a list of domains that are linking sort of backlinks that are linking the anchor text a tab shows all the anchor texts linking to you here again psy crab sticks out like a sore thumb I'm not doing that somebody else is there all do follow two which is another footprint if all the links to your site are due follows then that's a footprint that is somebody who's trying to make that look unnatural make it look like it trying to rank for that keyword so I've definitely got to
go and check out what's gone with the sycron thing I do link to the sacrum blog post from a YouTube descriptions but those are all no follows all YouTube links are automatically no follows at least from what I can tell when I go to backlinks everyone that says YouTube those are all missing hang on let me find something here there we go YouTube nofollow YouTube no follow no follow no follow all the youtubes are pretty no follows page not found so I think that this might be somebody who's trying to spammy you can't tell who it is not much you can do about it except for identify it and disavow it or contact the webmasters who are doing this and try to get them to remove it which is unlikely if they're doing this in the first place it's unlikely they're gonna remove it when you ask them to link its pages these are pages on your site that are being linked to and how many links are going to these pages the most common link to page should always be your home
page if it's not Google's gonna say there's something fishy going on because pretty much everybody links to home page that's just that's the most common thing is like a do a home page not that you don't get links to other pages as well this the most common is a home page and this will show you all the pages are being linked to here home page is the most na is the most actually and I'm not sure where that's linking - I'm not applicable but then the home page ones combine those and those are the ones are linked to the most referral traffic if you connect the Google Analytics account at the very beginning this will show you all the sessions referred to your site from backlinks you can change the time frame up here you can see the number of sessions as you can see YouTube is my number one by far and that is fantastic because that's really the only place I promote my content right now is YouTube a little bit on Facebook little bit on Pinterest but my main focus is YouTube penalty risk is where the rubber meets the road this is where you start to see
How to identify spammy resources?
what is potentially spammy coming to your site which links or spammy and which ones you want to remove so we have a linking domains tab and a backlinks tab so this is individual pages linking to you this is domains in general you can go through the thousands potentially thousands of backlinks and remove these or you can go through domains because usually if one link is spammy from domain they're probably all spammy and this is based on some complex calculations done by SEO PowerSuite and the concept is if you have a penalty risk of over 30 percent between 30 and 70 is medium risk so that's the worst I have I don't have any high risk that's 70% or higher between 30 and 70 is medium and that's these guys right here only 8 they were doing it differently so I definitely have more than 8 anyway these ones 30 to 50 to 49 these are ones that I should be looking at to make sure
that they're actually ok they might be spammy that might not be so you can click on this URL it'll open this page this site can't be reached so clearly that could be removed let's go back to here this one right here JD cites Moby not there whatever this one is that I T so it's taking a long time to load can't be reached these are definitely ones I'd want to remove all hosting reviews you get the idea look through them and see what is spammy and what's not if you find that one of these is not spammy then you can keep it for example let's see this right here a few supercharged doesn't sound spammy but it might be it's at 30 percent it's right on the border of low to medium risk anything below has a low risk likely not spam you could ignore those on any one of these you can also click on little I and that will show you a list of reasons that the app thinks that
this could be spammy if you decide you do want to remove some of these is click on them select them either shift and click or command click or ctrl click and you select individual ones or as a group and then you can click on this little download icon that will export them as a CSV that you can upload in the Google disavow tool and this emmaus already probably formatted it's all perfect so you can go ahead and do that if you want to survive them you can also find the contact info for the webmasters so if you went back to backlinks over here click on the grid icon in the search bar right here look for contact if I could write it spell it like that box click on ok not checked yet you can go to the individual one and check for the contact info if there's anything brought up it will show it here then you can email them and ask them to remove the link so the penalty risk is a very important place to look referring that piece is just another place you want to make sure you have enough diversity this shows the number of C blocks found in the number of firm IPS
What are Referring IPs and historical data?
so if you have a shared hosting account for example you could have many different websites on one hosting account they all share the same ip and they link back to your website that's why often you have SEO hosts that give a separate IP for every website because then you can link back to your site and allows you don't have other footprints which you could because we're on the same C block those longings are on other footprints it looks like unique links from individual webmasters when it's actually not either way you want to make sure you have as many unique C blocks unique referring that piece as possible I'm currently not controlling this ratio because I'm not doing a link building but if you are doing link building make sure you have lots of different two blocks in referring heipiess historical data shows historical data I'm not going to search that's gonna take time to search I'm currently running something on the queue down here so it's not gonna run right now anyway we can do historical data for backlinks and linking domains you can do domain comparisons which is what I'm running right now you run this against your competition you can see which back these your competitors have compared to you
How to analyzing competitors backlins and domain strength?
you can also see if you have more than one competitor that you put in here you can see the back leg overlap amongst your competitors and so you can potentially find easy places to get backlinks because they already have backlinks from there maybe some in a directory or some kind of website that accepts guest posts or something then you could try to mimic their backlink profile and then improve upon it the bulk analysis allows you to import or paste in here 200 different URLs and it gives you the main metrics for those URLs so you can see who is doing well at certain things this could be all your competitors this could be specific pages that are ranking on the first page where you are not for example how to ride a bike just type that into Google copy all the links on the organic results on the first page paste them into here and you can see what their backlink profiles are pretty powerful stuff domain strength gives you an overview of your website my domain strength is not that great like this is about a 10 looks like I'm pretty far up the line here they're supposed to be out of 10 yeah they're to 10 so I could do a lot
Why is it important to generate reports for your clients?
better but I'm not doing a back linking so yes I could do a lot better but I'm not right now so here is just a bunch of data about your site they can see here and reports allows you to generate reports these are the things that you can send to clients even with this pro version you can send us the clients this could be very powerful information for our customer because in the past few minutes we've found that you might be link bombed by somebody trying to get us D ranked for a site ground hosting and we saw under the baculum penalty risk that maybe there's some backlinks we got to get rid of to look less spammy and in fact those are from sites that I exist anymore and so you want to have those disavowed of course and I mentioned at the very beginning of the enterprise version I believe the only difference between enterprise and the professional which is this one that you get for free on appSumo is that you can white label these reports and you can schedule them so you could have this running on a server or on your computer if it's on all the time and it can schedule these reports so if you have a customer that's
How to run reports? Look into documentation.
paying you every month for backlink reports it can just run these reports for you on a schedule and email them up which is total autopilot and I love things that happen automatically if you want to get into the nuances of how this actually works out of run these reports someone to look at I've linked to this page right here which basically goes through all the SEO PowerSuite tools that has an SEO workflow and it goes through all of them and each page go to uses a different tool that they have in fact sometimes multiple pages use the same tool keyword research of rank tracking both use rank tracker set audit page optimisation use website auditor and backlink audit right here uses SEO spyglass and this goes into detail how to run all these reports and what to look for and why and tips and tricks and there's a lot of content here so I definitely encourage you to check out this page I've linked to it in the description down below and also make sure you check out SEO spyglass on appSumo because it's free for an entire year so why not and then check out this playlist right here which shows you how to speed up a wordpress site pretty much any speed problem you have on a wordpress site you can fix with a tutorial in this playlist to check that out and I click on subscribe bring the best you don't miss any future videos my name is Beorn all paths and w learning laugh until next time keep crushing it and I will see you in the next video

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