13 Free Search Engine Optimization Tools To Use In - Free SEO Tools I Use Frequently
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Check out our video about 13 free search engine optimization tools aka free seo tools that I use frequently for my business. We go over search engine optimization tools that can help you do keyword research, optimize your website, improve your website speed, look at your backlink profile, learn from competitor websites, and find on-page seo issues that can be fixed. Below, we put links to all of the different SEO tools that we showed in the video.
Use these free Search Engine Optimization Tools to boost your site rank free.
all right what's up everyone welcome to
the Surfside PPC youtube channel today
I'm gonna be going over 13 free SEO
tools otherwise search engine
optimization tools that you can use for
your website so these are gonna go
through a variety of things looking at
the top keywords for your website
analyzing your website's page speed
seeing what keywords are driving traffic
to your website looking at your backlink
profile analyzing competitor websites so
there's a lot of different tools here
they're all free you're gonna see a lot
of them are from Google because they
have some of the best SEO tools and
because they have the biggest search
engine it makes sense to use their free
SEO tools because they're just gonna
give you a lot of the data that they
already have to help you improve your
website so first things first kind of an
obvious one is going to be google
analytics so with google analytics
you're able to track what search queries
are sending traffic to your website
especially once you connect the Google
search console we just did a Google
search console tutorial so make sure you
check that out you can see the top
search queries landing pages where your
traffic is coming from what devices
people are using and you can use that
with some of your e-commerce or any of
your goals to see what landing pages
what search queries are driving traffic
and sales to your website so the first
thing is Google Analytics you're gonna
be able to see a ton of data about where
your traffic comes from how it performs
and you can find a lot of optimization
opportunities just by using this free
tool the next one is going to be the
Google Keyword planner so we also have a
tutorial for this on our channel with
the keyword planner you can find new
keywords just come into the keyword
planner you would sign into Google Ads
through your Google account create your
Google Ads account and then under tools
here you're gonna see keyword planner so
what you can do is just enter a keyword
so for us I'm gonna be using beachfront
decor Beach decor has a lot of the
examples for this video when you click
on get started it's gonna give you the
top keywords by relevance the average
monthly searches competition ad
impression share you could see some
search trends throughout the year and
you can look at a lot of different
things with the Google Keyword planner
they'll give you some related terms to
try but if you scroll down you're gonna
see they're gonna give you probably
thousands of keyword ideas and just tons
of different things that you can do to
basically create content around these
it's on your website so that you can
drive more traffic to it now the next
keyword tool that I use a lot if you
don't want to use the Google Keyword
planner if you don't have a Google Ads
account very simple is ubersuggest so
just go to neil patel comm slash
ubersuggest enter the keyword you want
to look up push press search so for this
one it's gonna say this keyword is
competitive there's a forty nine percent
chance you can rank in the top twenty
pay difficulty is hard SEO difficulty is
medium search volume is twelve thousand
so if we click on keyword ideas this is
like incredible you can see the top
keywords related to beachtek or ranked
by volume
you can see what websites are ranking
the highest and the google search
results I would see estimated visits
domain scores so you can see maybe some
reasons why you're not ranking as high
so you can see we don't have beachfront
decor here we're like in that somewhere
in the 20th spot right now but you can
click on all these different keywords
see what the Google search engine
results pages show and you can export a
lot of this information look at the top
volume keywords under related you can
find things like area rugs shower
curtains wall decor so these are other
things people are searching related to
beach homes so if you do beach area rugs
beach shower curtains you can find
hundreds made thousands of keyword ideas
so between the keyword planner and
ubersuggest you really don't need much
more in terms of keywords now when we
start building content the main thing
you want to use to track how your
website is performing it in Google
search results is the google search
console so it's gonna show you how many
web search clicks you're getting how
many you know any issues that you're
having with coverage in the Google index
if you go to performance it's going to
show you how many clicks how many
impressions you're getting over a
certain time period top search queries
so again it's gonna you want to connect
your Google search console to your
Google Analytics so you can see your top
Why does page load speed optimizing tools are important to improve your website ranking?
landing pages top search queries you
could see what's driving you traffic
what's driving impressions in the Google
search results so between these four
tools you can find a ton in terms of
what's performing well things you need
to optimize for really areas of
opportunity that you need to optimize
for and continue to grow your search
engine traffic the next two tools are
going to be related to page speed so the
first one is that google page
speed insights tool we're gonna have
links for all these different tools in
the description we'll do it in order the
way we did it in the video what you can
do is enter your website you can look at
mobile desktop it's gonna give you a
speed score show you whether it's fast
average or slow show some issues that
you might be having and ways that you
can really fix some of those issues so
it gives you a lot of different
information for PageSpeed the next one
is GT metrics so I typed in my URL here
I analyzed it the report came up but it
actually just refreshed the page it's
gonna take a little while for the free
version there is a GT metrics pro
version that you can do which gives you
unlimited searches very quickly but when
you do your URL to analyze it's gonna
take about five minutes to show up but
it's gonna give you a bunch of different
page speed scores and show you any
issues that they're they analyze on your
website so GT metrics com it's a great
free tool it takes a little while when
you enter a URL but it's worth the wait
for all the information they give you
and if you're running a WordPress
website they have a ton of plugins that
will actually fix on help you fix a lot
of the errors for you you can see down
here it's showing over three hundred
sixty million pages analyzed so far and
the number just this is obviously just a
counter but that number just continues
to go up and up but that's because
that's how many they're analyzing every
day it's just constantly people typing
in their URL and seeing how they can
increase that speed so the next one is
another free Neil Patel tool it's the
SEO analyzer
so obviously you're probably familiar
with Neil Patel if you're in marketing
he's probably the best person to follow
when it comes to marketing information
he also has some great free tools on his
website and I know he has some paid
things that he does like consulting but
if you enter URL here and click analyze
it's gonna give you a website analyze
report so it's saying our page level SEO
score is a c-minus there's one error
three warnings fifteen past our speed
score is a sixty eight so you can tell
we have definitely some areas of
opportunity here for beach front two
core com it's by no means a perfect
website it's gone through a bunch of
redesigns and it really needs some work
honestly so you can download the PDF
report and get a ton of different
information about your website you can
look at some different errors here so
the SEO analyser tool is basically going
to look at your website like a search
engine would and give you some
issues that you can fix to help increase
your SEO score and really help increase
your rankings over time so Neil Patel
comm he has a bunch of free tools who
Brooke suggests and the SEO analyzer I
use pretty frequently just to see if I
can find some errors on my websites now
the next one if you're running WordPress
is the Yoast SEO plugin
so the Yoast SEO plug-in will generate a
sitemap for your website it'll help you
Never forget to optimize your titles and meta descriptions!
optimize your titles your meta
descriptions it'll help you decide which
pages you want indexed and search which
pages you want no index and search so
there's a lot of different options with
Yoast you can see there's over five
million active installations the overall
reviews is 4.9 out of 5 and that's based
on you know tens of thousands of reviews
so most people just write at five stars
very few one-star reviews they also have
premium version so if you're running
WooCommerce there's a lot of different
things you can do with Yoast and it
always stays updated so when WordPress
updates you're gonna get a Yoast update
so it's my favorite WordPress SEO plugin
it says the number one and it's between
this and there's all-in-one SEO but I've
always liked using Yoast SEO more it
really gives you a ton of information if
you're using WordPress now the next few
tools they have some paid options they
are they have some free options paid
options there's some limitations to the
free versions but even the free versions
will give you a ton of information the
first one is going to be the mods link
Explorer so with this you get 10 total
When in doubt use backlink checkers: MOZ and Ahrefs.
search queries of that every month with
a Moz account a free Mazak ount so you
enter domain here and it's gonna give
you a ton of information about you know
what their backlink profile looks like
inbound links where they're coming from
the anchor texts that other websites use
you can find how many links they've
gained and lost you can do this for your
own website I like to do it for a
competitor websites to try to find some
different links on those websites so if
you scroll down you can see top followed
links to the website top pages on the
website top anchor links to really find
some different information about a
website's backlink profile and really
help you gain your own backlinks so if
you're not familiar with moz.com it's
one of the best SEO tools companies they
different information they have a ton of
different content about search engine
optimization so you can see up here
learn SEO Moz Pro Moz local so if you're
trying to improve your results in search
engines Moz comm is probably one of the
best websites I have right here at the
moz.com slash free SEO tools you can see
they have a bunch of different free SEO
tools to go along with the pro version
so they have the keyword explore the
link explore Moz bar with local
marketing you can check your business
listening listing manage permissions
with my business console research
categories so a lot of different things
you can do with moz.com I'd highly
recommend trying their 30 day trial if
you haven't already it's worth trying
and if you're not interested you can
always cancel it
so moz.com one of the best you know free
and paid tools for search engine
optimization the next one to continue
with backlinks is using a refs comm
slash backlink checker so when you
search they'll give you a backlink
profile for a website and they'll show
the top 100 backlinks to get more you're
gonna have to update to their free trial
or do they have a 7 day trial for seven
dollars excuse me or do their full
premium version to get all the
information but they're gonna show the
top five top 100 backlinks top 5 anchors
top 5 pages if you scroll down you can
just find a ton of different websites
that are linking to either your website
or a competitor website see which pages
they're linking to and it's gonna give
you some content ideas it's gonna give
you you know maybe to find some websites
that you can interact with engage with
so maybe they'll link back to your
website if you can create good content
things like that so using looking at
backlink profiles will give you a ton of
ideas for how to get more links to your
website how to create content that
people are more likely to link to
because you're gonna see what pages
people link to the most by using these
tools and a lot of times it's things
that you probably don't have on your
website that people aren't linking to so
looking at backlink profiles seeing what
people link to seeing what pages link to
those pages will really give you a lot
of information about how to grow your
backlink profile so the next thing is
kind of a competitor tool so it's
similar web com so you can either
analyze your own website
again I did coastal living comm so you
Why Similarweb?
can scroll down see what the global rank
is country rank similarweb you're gonna
need some bigger websites to show all
the data that i'm gonna show below but
you can see it's estimating total
traffic over the last six months total
visits average visit duration bounce
rate you keep scrolling down you can see
where traffic comes from you can see
traffic sources from desktop so direct
referrals mostly organic search social
mail display so under referrals you
could see what the top referring
websites are so this can be helpful for
me to see if i can get some of these
websites to link to me obviously coastal
living is kind of a bigger brand with
some other smaller brands you know like
southern living is part of the same
company so you can see some of these are
gonna be based on what you know what the
website is and any of the partners they
have but you can really learn a lot
about what pages are linking to it and
driving traffic so search it's saying 45
percent from search the top five
keywords it's saying no paid zero
Improve your website rank using Screamingfrog crawler tool.
percent paid no paid keywords here so
social it's gonna show where traffic is
coming from facebook pinterest twitter
any display advertising so you can learn
a lot with similar web com it's a great
you know analysis tool for some
competitors if you use this along with
kind of looking at some of the backlink
profiles for your other competitor
websites it's really gonna help you
understand where either you're driving
what traffic from or where some of your
competitors are driving traffic from
specifically in search engines so that's
really a great SEO tool is similar web
com really to see what traffic is coming
from search top keywords and then you
can kind of analyze where other traffic
is coming from to give yourself more
opportunities to grow traffic to your
own website now the next one is
screaming frog so this it's called the
screaming frog SEO spider and basically
what it does is they have a free version
in the paid version it's a software that
you download and if we scroll down my
favorite things about it is you can find
broken links so if you go on your enter
your website it's gonna find broken
links on your website that you can fix
so if you change any URLs if any of your
pages don't exist anymore it's gonna
help find those broken links so that you
fix them it can analyze page titles and
meta description and meta keywords so
you can see if there's any long meta
descriptions any things that are
duplicates you can discover duplicate
content as well so if you have a ton of
duplicate content on your website you
can kind of narrow it down and add it
all to the same page or figure out a
better way to organize it I could
generate XML sitemaps there's a lot of
different things you can do with just a
free version it will only allow you to
crawl 500 URLs but it's gonna help you
find a lot of issues even if you just do
it a few times just use the free version
and see if you have any issues because
it's gonna look at your website like any
website crawler would so like Google
sends website crawlers to your website
to be able to look at all your links and
analyze them screaming frog will do the
same thing and allow you to see any
issues that you have on your own website
Use simple tools that help: Zadroweb.
now last but not least kind of a very
simple tool Zadro web.com slash SEO
auditor so what it does under page
Authority it'll give you a page
authority domain Authority load time and
Google page speed so I'll show you right
off the bat any issues that you might be
having in terms of not having enough
backlinks to your website and not having
enough backlinks to this specific page
some load time issues so if you scroll
down it's gonna give you an overall
score give you some successes some
warning some errors so I like to first
look at the errors so it's gonna say SEO
stats heading tags it's gonna say no h1
tags were detected on this page a bunch
of different h2s that probably aren't
good enough it's saying so with under h3
headers it's going to show all these
different ones so it's gonna give you
some different ideas gonna say needs
attention heading tags are important for
explaining what the content of the page
is about in a concise manner so if I
don't have a header tag h1 tag that's
beachtek or basically it's gonna say
this is just not detected at all they're
not gonna be able to see exactly what
your website has to offer
again images so this might show there's
way too many images or if there's any
issues with some of the alt text for the
images so just keep all this stuff in
mind so this is 13 free SEO tools some
free ones from Google I'll have them all
in the description of this video make
sure you test a lot of them out you
don't need to use hundreds of SEO tools
just having a bunch of free ones and
then some paid options will help you
figure out some keywords for your
website to figure out any issues that
your website's having so you can sell
tell beachfront Accor has a decent
amount of issues in terms of page speed
some errors on the website so there's
some things that I can go back and
improve for sure and I learn a lot of
that by just using some of these SEO
tools so if you have any questions make
sure you leave in the comments make sure
you subscribe to our YouTube channel and
thank you for watching our video today
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