What is Google Search Tips?

August 10, 2023

Table of Contents:

Search hints are variants of queries offered by search engines to users under the search bar, which supplement and facilitate the formulation of the original query. It is enough to enter the beginning of a word or phrase, as in the pop-up window will appear additional clarifying search queries.

Formation of search hints

Search engine cues are generated based on complex search engine algorithms. Some factors that influence the generation of a list of cues for a query:

  • Frequency of search phrases. As a rule, search engines offer the most popular and high-frequency "tails" to the original query.
  • Regionality. First of all, this applies to commercial queries. For example, if a user is looking for concrete in Detroit, he does not need prompts with occurrences of other cities (but there are exceptions).
  • Personalization. Based on user query statistics, search history and other personalized information known to the search engine.
  • Relevance. Especially for queries related to the latest news. Therefore, the prompts are regularly updated.

Using search engine cues in website promotion

With the help of search hints, you can:

  • expand the semantic core;
  • optimize the structure of the site;
  • get additional traffic to the site;
  • track changes in the relevance of medium- and low-frequency queries.

Important: Due to the regular updating of search hints, they need to be regularly monitored and rebuilt.

For example:

Traffic to one of the important landing pages on the site had dropped. It turned out that over time, the search cues had changed dramatically, resulting in a redistribution of query frequencies. As a consequence, it became necessary to change the page optimization for more frequent cues.

It's worth remembering that there may be "long queries" that may be more popular than short queries in the prompts.

Collecting search clues

  1. The easiest way to collect search clues is to look them up by directly typing queries into the search bar. This method is fast, but has a rather limited number of queries, as it is hard to manually search through a lot of variations.

  2. Collecting the most comprehensive list of search hints is convenient with Google's hint parser.

Parsing hints

One of the most popular parsers for SEO specialists is Key Collector. In Key Collector you can select the search engine from which you want to sparse search cues. There is also an option to enable word completion matching.

The following settings are available in the tooltip parsing settings:

  • Parsing depth - number of iterations of search hints collection. I.e. if this indicator is set to 0, then a single collection of hints will be performed according to the specified settings. If 1 - the system will collect hints for each phrase collected for the first time, which greatly increases the parsing time. Therefore, it is recommended to set the value not more than 0.
  • Checking the "Collect only top clues" option is equivalent to simply manually typing a phrase without spaces. I.e. there will be few hints, and the parsing will be performed extremely fast.
  • The character set for enumeration of endings allows you to define the necessary characters for this purpose: Cyrillic, Latin and numeric. For example, when entering the word "hint", the system will automatically substitute the selected characters. The final list of hints will include both phrases containing "hints" and hints". Obviously, this option is necessary when initially specifying incomplete phrases.
  • Character set for phrase search allows you to set the required characters for search at the end of the phrase through a space. For example, when all three checkboxes are checked, when entering the words "hint", the program will search "hint a", "hint b", "hint c"..., "hint a", "hint b", "hint c"..., "hint 0", "hint 1", "hint 2".....
  • Substituting selected letters before a given phrase allows you to make substitutions not only at the end, but also before the original phrase through a space. I.e. in the above example "a clue", "b clue", "c clue", etc.
  • Setting the delay between requests allows you to adjust the waiting time between requests sent by the program. Do not set the time too short, as you may pay for fast parsing by blocking the IP address.
  • The number of threads determines how many threads the parsing of hints will take place. It is not recommended to set this value higher than 1. More information about setting the number of threads and proxy servers is written here.

Scrolling search engine cues

The point of search engine crawling is that when a user types a highly competitive query in the cues, the brand you need or the query for which the promoted page is well optimized appears.

Usually, hinting is done by Internet users for money through special sites by entering the necessary query into the Google search bar.

This method of promotion refers to black. Its use is highly discouraged, because for this you can get sanctions from search engines. In addition, search engines regularly remove spoofed cues.

Tips and advice

Using search engine cues in website promotion is a necessary task for any SEO specialist. Proper optimization of documents taking into account search hints will help to get more targeted organic traffic. We recommend to update search hints at least once every 2 months, if you do it less regularly - you risk losing or not getting a significant share of search traffic.

A few tips:

    • Check your list of search cues for prioritized queries at least once every two months,
    • Include search engine cues in your site's semantic core,
    • Respond to changes in cue frequencies in a timely manner,
    • Reasonably approach the choice of landing page for the search hint: study the output, analyze - what document of your site more fully can answer the user's question, if there is no such document - create it,
    • In some cases, it is not enough to directly embed the search hint in the metadata and text of the document, content expansion may be required.

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