SEO promotion of a young website - how to get Google organics?

February 04, 2023

Table of Contents:

The development of Internet marketing has led to the fact that a large part of small and medium-sized companies have representation in the network and use search engine promotion and contextual advertising as an effective advertising channel. On a separate new site can be made rapidly growing sections of services or product groups, which have become "cramped" within one company website. Web-studios offer a lot of solutions for the development of sites of any complexity, there are many designers and ready-made templates. As a result, both in narrow and competitive niches regularly appear new sites. And their owners - a reasonable desire to quickly get a return on investment.

What is the difficulty of promoting a young domain?

The problems of young sites are not so much related to the age of the domain, but to the underdevelopment of other factors that can be affected:

  • Poor or non-unique content (an empty site, no product description, additional useful content);
  • absence of accumulated PFs;
  • errors in the technical part (often immediately after the development of the site duplicates, sessions, not glued mirrors, etc.);
  • No link mass, ie base for building commercial links;
  • Lack of traffic outside of organic (company or product is little-known, the site has no hits from other sources than search).

At the same time, the difficulty of getting quick results on a young site is somewhat exaggerated. Of course, to get the top 10 in a competitive subject in the HF on the new site will be difficult. The same as on the old domain. However, the youthfulness of the domain to a large online store with a large core is not an obstacle to traffic. Online store with a decent range, a good structure and well constructed meta tags for low queries (product names, articles) can begin to get results AFTER INDEXATION. Allows young sites to compete for a place in the top and "many-armed bandit. If such a resource when tossed in the top will show good behavioral indicators, he has every chance to gain a foothold on the first page of the extradition.

Advantages of a young domain

The newborn site has obvious pluses:

  • No negative history;
  • most likely, there will be no filters;
  • absence of low-quality link mass from the previous seo-company.

Often, overcoming the negative effects of optimizing the old domain is more time-consuming and protracted in time than correctly building a strategy to promote a young site.

For a new online store, it makes sense to choose a promotion strategy based on traffic. This is SEO, in which payment is made for the fulfillment of the forecast of growth of visitors from search engines, rather than for positions. For promotion by traffic a large number of promoted queries, up to several thousand, mainly low frequency queries, is characteristic. The period of the output of such queries in the top is relatively small. Comprehensive manual work with pages at all nesting levels will improve the quality of the site as a whole. Users will not leave the site, "going down" from the brushed-up sections of the second and third level to the product cards with errors in descriptions, without photo content and prices. This will undoubtedly yield a profit for conversion rates as well.

The youthfulness of the domain - will it pass on its own or treat it?

If there is no time to wait, the transfer of host metrics of the old domain can help speed up the start of the project. It is important to follow the correct sequence of steps in the domain linking procedure:

  • Correctly choose an old domain for sticking, exclude questionable options with possible sanctions. It is preferable to find a domain of the same or related topics with a good history and reputation. If you find one, it is likely that at this stage it will be decided to choose to promote it is the old domain, and the problem will be solved.
  • Configure both domains so that they both give the same content and have relative links.
  • We prescribe in the Host directive of both domains as the main mirror young domain and wait for re-sticking mirrors, usually takes up to 2-6 weeks. In parallel, we are working on all the features in the complex, otherwise the breakthrough to the top only by sticking will not happen.
  • After gluing the mirrors configure 301-redirect from the old site to the new domain name.

What will be the plan of action for the output of a young site?

The first two stages are designed more for marketing specialists of the customer company. It is useful to warn customers who are planning to move to a new domain or start promotion on a new site of a separate direction.

1. Choosing the right marketing strategy

Even before the development of the site marketers customer company important in advance to determine the goals of the site, to think about how it will solve the problems of customers.

It is important to formulate the USP in time and fill out the brief, which will certainly be requested by a good development company. It is no secret that in order to get good and stable visibility in a competitive niche, it is not enough just to match your competitors. It is necessary to be one step ahead, to respond to the request better than others, to be responsive to the needs of your audience.

Sometimes narrowing the subject of the site can help avoid unnecessary "chopping" for the top RF-queries, which may not even be the main focus of the company. For example, the site of the manufacturer of aluminum profiles makes sense to sharpen specifically for the promotion of the topic "aluminum profiles. Although the company may also provide services for the manufacture of aluminum windows, aluminum partitions and doors from these profiles, and queries more frequent. Parsing the top will show that you need a separate site (or sites) of a different type and content. Laconic strict site of a manufacturer is unlikely to compete with customer-oriented B2C sites. So, choosing your niche at the right time will save time and advertising budgets. For one-time promotions and additional directions it is worth stopping at the working scheme of landing+context.

2. Taking into account the needs of SEO already at the design stage

A classic tip for sites at the development stage would be to work on the structure and customer service at the terms of reference. If the seo company is already known, it is worth asking for advice, examples of successful competitors.

This way, the customer will be insured against getting a "beautiful" site with a limited ability to make changes due to design peculiarities. Obviously, it is easier to implement an important service and functionality at the development stage than to redesign the site after it has been launched.

Revision of the site is necessary, it is important not to rush and not to put everything on the site at once. Often the desire to do irreparable damage to the site in the shortest possible time leads to a loss of time later for testing and debugging.

3. Building the structure of the site

In the plan for the first month of promotion of a young site lay work on refining and optimizing its structure. At this stage we will implement CNC throughout the site, if this has not been done by the developer. We implement CNC, if possible, by means of CMS and while the site is not indexed in full.

It is important to build the structure of the site taking into account topics, demand and the competitive environment, and on the basis of this determine landing pages. We create a competitive tag structure for the site, offer solutions for filters and placement of sub-sections, and think through the linking process.

In doing so, we take into account the client's business and avoid misrepresentation of services. For example, if a company only sells office partitions to dealers, but does not install them, you cannot offer this service to clients. But you can write a good article about the stages of installation.

4. Semantics - trivial, but necessary

For a newly created site, it is recommended to take a flexible approach to the list of queries. It is a typical mistake to include 15-20% of HF queries in the core and not to return to the semantics of the entire period of project promotion. Use the maximum tools to gather semantics at the initial stage, and gradually expand the core. View competitors, parse semantics (a lot of tools allow you to do this), expand the list of queries with search phrases from the services of statistics. This will naturally increase the number of pages, form a capacious and informative structure of the site and get more traffic.

In this case, the list of queries on which people come to the site may surprise the customer and not seem to sell. However, transitions by commercial low-frequency queries are well converted, more resistant to algorithm fluctuations, and they are less inflated by seo-companies. In addition, your site may be the only one in issuance with the necessary product and make up the happiness of the user. Be patient and keep working on the core and content.

Promotion by HF queries has its own advantages - reduced risk of fluctuations in the visibility of HF because of the bandit and adjustments to the algorithm, the "curve" of visibility will be smoother. There is no risk that dropping out one query will "cut" half the traffic in a season. This can often be seen, for example, in the topics of "stretch ceilings", "profiled flooring", "gift certificates".

5. Competent internal optimization

In the first month of work it is necessary to eliminate all technical problems left after development:

  • engine vulnerability;
  • Duplicates, sessions, broken links, sort pages and other technical spam;
  • large volumes of empty, little-informative pages.

Monitor indexing. The increase in pages in the index 50 can mean not only the addition of 50 new documents, but also be a consequence of the fact that the index dropped 30 pages and added 80.

6. Content strategy

The next mandatory step will be the introduction of informative selling meta tags and content generation for online store cards. After the changes are indexed, we get the first traffic on the BF queries and move on to optimize landing pages and expand the content.


Informative and complete response to the request is important. "Pouring" content is not enough to interest an audience. "Water" is quickly recognized and filtered, which translates into bounce rate figures and disruption of behavioral factors.

On the contrary, quality content will help to create a loyal and permanent audience, which will make the site more resistant to any algorithm changes.

In the work on the promotion of a young domain we pay attention to the formation of content in all directions - optimization of the main promoted sections, creating selling descriptions for the cards. When the main work with the content is finished, we start filling the article cluster, additional sections for users (FAQ, thematic reviews, help in choosing). Quality texts can become a trigger for natural links, if the audience starts sharing the source of the content. The involvement of the client's team in the preparation of the texts will also help to increase the quality of the content. When promoting specific topics, there is nothing shameful about asking a client's expert to help prepare content or shifting a portion of the external budget to a specialized copywriting agency.

In the era of lowering the safe threshold for seo-links and link growth control algorithm "minusinsk" from the buildup of commercial links in the first 3-4 months of the project should be abandoned. This time should go on creating a natural, mostly unlinked link mass. On such a reference base can then be safely increase the proportion of commercial anchors. All possible sources should be involved - links from partners, customers, links from industry sites and portals. Diversification of sources will help minimize the risks of falling under the link filters of the PS, when the percentage of commercial links will be increased.

  • Set a period to build up natural reference mass, to emphasize the static reference weight.
  • Use as many sources as possible, involve the PR-service of the client to publish press releases, use profile platforms, trust directories, review services.
  • We carefully select donors, work with different sources, buy links in the media.

For quick results during the start of the project, it is recommended to connect contextual advertising. This will allow you not only to get sales while the results of SEO are only expected, but also to accumulate statistics on the behavior of customers on the site and see the conversion rate of visits.


    1. Adapt the structure of the new site to the needs of SEO.
    2. We carry out a full technical audit, we do not give technical errors a chance at the launch stage.
    3. We refuse HF queries at the initial stage, we gather the full semantics.
    4. Make a content strategy and stick to it.
    5. Let's start work on building the right link mass.
    6. We use additional advertising channels and digital-marketing tools. We work on the company's reputation and attracting a loyal audience (context, SERM, SMM).

TIP: Look at the competitors in the competition for competitive queries. Find young domains and analyze, due to what they were in the top? What else has not been taken into account in the promotion strategy? What useful services offer competitors, do we not have the opportunity to make our customers even happier?

After all this work, it is necessary to continue comprehensive optimization of the site to reach the top 10 and increase the share of traffic on the competitive requests, as the primary can get traffic on low-competitive and low-frequency requests. The data accumulated during the first months of work will give us a lot of information to analyze the results, show weak points in the structure and optimization. The list of tasks for the next stage should include the study of commercial factors, improving the usability of the site, working to improve the snippets and conversion rates.

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